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Fashionistas. Ahem! Really?

baluchari saree

What comes to your mind when you hear the word fashion? Is it the glossy, glamorous world you see around? Or maybe, the movie fashion springs up to your mind! Well according to me fashion is just another art…an art to represent something in its most exclusive form, and glamour is just another element of fashion!

Jamdani on linen silk

And Fashionistas, are they icons or victims? I say both! The models, designers, actors proudly label themselves as fashionistas never once thinking that there could be more to it than just the upper silken and flashy meaning and that they are either being iconised or being victimised(mostly the latter)! Glamour has always stood for something exquisite, elegant and beautiful whereas Fashion, has become a clumsy world where people go to fill their pockets and end up dirtying their lives. If you see it as a ticket to the filmy world, you are VICTIMISED by default! When I talk of fashionistas being victims or icons, I mean fashion victims and so-called fashion icons who think donning Chanel and Louboutins’ is what makes them have “style” or “dress sense”!

Ajrakh saree

Fashionistas range from the oldest possible times we can think of … wasn’t Krishnaji fashion conscious when he wore the mor-mukut with the beautiful peacock feather on it? 🙂 And today girls clad in New York’s elegant drapes with modern twists, Paris’ classic tailoring, London’s cozy knits and India’s subtly-embellished dresses are all termed fashionistas!!

baluchari saree baluchari saree

These days every second starlet who can afford a pricey foreign frock or the latest ‘it’ bag, stakes a claim to that dodgy title. Let’s accept it; Indians today are lost in this world of fashion! They lack originality and blindly follow what’s given to them! There used to be women (Nargis, Mumtaz, Madhubala) who inspired two generations of Indian women with their very distinct style statements. Today, the ball game has changed to an extent that any skinny wannabe with a stylist at her beck and call can happily and rather grandly call herself a style icon without blushing.

matka silk jamdani

Today’s women idolize the likes of Paris Hilton and posh Beckham who won’t bow down to anyone but will do a free bend over! Movies these days are illogical…take, for e.g. Aisha. Calling it a movie based on Jane Austen’s novel is the worst possible comment for Jane Austen! The movie looks like a sad, pathetic version of TVC’s on Gucci and Prada. These days, anything that is bizarre and unusual becomes a style statement…strangely, style is now associated with big brands and labels rather than simplicity, innovation and elegance. To me, fashion and style is what you feel comfortable and confident in and not what others may want to see you in. u can look killer in a pair of denim and a plain white shirt and look hideous in a stunning red gown!!

tussar silk saree

tussar silk saree

A true fashionista doesn’t need labels to define her identity – she defines the labels with her personality. She doesn’t blindly imitate the so-called trendy people and clone their style, instead, believes in setting trends of her own by looking HERSELF! These days we crown someone as a fashionista if the person buys couture from the latest international collections…If u establish your own sense of style that has nothing to do with someone else’s yardstick of what’s fashionable, then only you are a fashionista in the true sense! It’s got to be someone who looks gorgeous draped in a saree and manages to look pretty in a mini too, someone who manages to carry off everything in a fab way!

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